If an agency needs to call in an extra hand to finish an editing or marketing project, we can get up to speed quickly, learn the client, and help refine content to keep a job on track or address evolving—or rapidly expanding—client requirements.
We come out of an agency environment of highly demanding clients and editorial requirements connected to a multi-tiered compliance process. Chances are that we’ve seen before the most troublesome aspects of complicated clients and marketing projects. So we know those clutch moments where zero-error revision based on clear client communication are routine.
In response, we operate using an editorial process, including rewriting, that we have modeled on pilot and navigator checklists. That might sound silly, but safety saves lives.
Small businesses need high-performance ideas for promotions to the target audience. We can develop or refine marketing concepts and turn them quickly into promotional copy that speaks to your people—your customers.
Customers need to experience a quick story in which they see themselves taking action that can fulfill a need and, idealistically, gets them to think differently about themselves—more positively.